Integration Possibilities of Gaming

The increasing normalcy of gaming paves the way for innovations like cross-platform play, enhanced social interaction, and complete virtual immersion.

Understanding the Appeal of Digital Entertainment

The rise of digital media has overtaken more traditional forms of entertainment owing to the convenience, accessibility, and personalization it provides to its users.

AR and VR to Captivate New Audiences

The ability of AR/VR to create really immersive experiences continues to draw new users and reshaping the way we interact with those around us.

MOBA: Accessible Complexity Keeping Players Engaged

Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games have been around for quite some time, and it is expected that their level of popularity will keep on increasing.

Launching our own Universe – Alcoret

Alcoret Inc. is launching a MOBA game that relies on space exploration and building a universe with its own planets and economic structures.